My name is Chris Chan, student ID# 09070909S

My name is Chris Chan, student ID# 09070909S.This blog is for individual assignment of SPD 4290 Mobile Marketing. You are welcome to share your comment on my topics. Thanks XD **


My Definition of Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is define with mobile device. There are various way to working on mobile marketing concept. In tradition, mobile marketing only limited on SMS and pre bulid-in game. As technology goes on, mobile internet popular and mobile phone enhance its functionality rapidly. There are no commonly accepted definition exists. For instance, HSPA, 3G, GPRS and WIFI are strong backbone for mobile marketing development. Mobile users have the chance to received the updated information, and marketer also can easy to control the limited budget work in efficient way to target massive mobile user.

New generation of mobile market is interference by Apple, iPhone has created a wave for original mobile market. People are widly use iPhone with internet and access information via apps. On the other hand, Google committed to developing Android system and in order to introduce Nexus One into mobile market. Android and iOS will be the only two biggest operating system developer in the future according the existing data. Because of Android is a open source OS and it allows developers to write managed code in the Java language. Therefore, Android will be the the favrioite OS for small and medium mobile phone manufactures. The number of iOS user has already behind Android's in China. As you can see, the low cost develop environment is the future tend.

